House of Blessing

One night we got to go out to an orphanage in a nearby village. Our team cooked spaghetti and brownies for the kids. Amy, Glenda, and I worked on the massive amounts of homemade brownies... which turned out absolutely superb if you ask me. :)

The kids ranged in age from two weeks to 25 years. This was the youngest member of the group... Emily got lucky enough to hold this precious bundle for a while.

Ok, this kid was INCREDIBLE. That's like what, a 2? 3? year old? He could play the drums better than I can. I was thoroughly impressed. AND he was wearing suspenders. Which made the cuteness factor almost unbearable.

This was my buddy for the day, Nook. She has to be one of the sweetest girls alive. I spoke with her in very broken Thai and had a mini conversation, and we became fast friends. I did not want to say goodbye. She gave me a picture and a note from her, as well as a little teddy bear. So sweet!

After dinner the kids did a few dances for us. They were groovin, let me tell you!

We also sang some worship songs, the kids in Thai and us in English. I wish I could describe how beautiful it was. These kids sang so wonderfully, every one of them. And they all knew the songs and sang with all their hearts. Just a taste of what heaven will be like.

Um, adorable. I tried to fit a few in the back of our song tow, but it just didn't work. Oh well.

We played some games with them before dinner, too, including this epic game:

I don't know what it is called, but it was HILARIOUS to watch. Two people in the middle were blindfolded and had to call out two numbers. Those two people had to run across the circle and switch places while the blindfolded peeps tried to catch them. Some of our team members were realllllly getting into it! I have an epic video, but my computer takes approximately 27 years to upload videos, and I don't want to be 50 when I finish this blog.

Joy and I found a group of older girls that we played games with, too. It was hilarious trying to explain/ figure out games without being able to communicate. It was kind of trial and error. But we got several to work. We did some elimination games like Down by the Banks, and some rhythm games. The funniest was telephone... we said a word in English and then passed it around... these girls were pretty good! They got it almost every time! Then we tried some Thai words. Again, they were good! Even when Joy and I totally botched it, they figured it out! These girls were laughing hysterically the whole time:

These children are soooo beautiful.
I couldn't stop taking pictures of their precious smiles.
And check out the adorable school uniforms!!

So we finally had to say goodbye, though the kids held our hands through the song tow windows all the way to the gate. And my heart was ripped out. I am so blessed to have visited them!


  1. Oh my...I don't think I could have left. What precious, precious faces!! So glad you got to bless them and they you :) See you soon, lady!

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